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First Friday

  Christ’s Sacred Heart Burns with Love for Us  

All He Asks is for Love in Return  


“My Divine Heart is so inflamed with love for men ... (it is) unable any longer to contain within itself the flames of its burning charity.  It must spread them abroad by your means, and manifest itself to them (mankind) in order to enrich them with the precious grace of sanctification and salvation necessary to withdraw them from the abyss of perdition.”  

(Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)  

Jesus told St. Margaret Mary that he suffered more from the ingratitude and contempt men show Him “than all that I suffered during My Passion.  If only they would make Me some return for My Love, I should think but little of all I have done for them and would wish, were it possible, to suffer still more.”


The First Friday Devotion is an easy  and powerful way to: 


  • Return love for love

  • Console His Heart 

  • Make reparation for the indifference and sins of others 

  • Save souls


First Friday Devotion:


  1.  Attend Holy Mass on the first Friday of the month

  2.  Receive Communion

  3.  Go to Confession (within eight days before or after)


​In return Jesus gave us great promises

He said:

"In the excess of the mercy of my Heart, I promise you that my all powerful love will grant to all those who will receive Communion on the First Fridays, for nine consecutive months, the grace of final repentance: they will not die in my displeasure, nor without receiving the sacraments; and my Heart will be their secure refuge in that last hour."


Twelve promises from Jesus to those who complete the devotion for nine consecutive months.



Sacred Heart & Divine Mercy ​

Two Aspects of the Same Love of Christ:

- The Love of His Sacred Heart is Divine Mercy for Us.

- His Divine Mercy Leads Us to the Love of His Sacred Heart


Words From Our Holy Father:​

“His ‘Sacred Heart’ has given men everything: redemption, salvation, sanctification. ... Through the mystery of this wounded Heart, the restorative tide of God's merciful love continues to spread over the men and women of our time. Here alone can those who long for true and lasting happiness find its secret.


‘Jesus, I trust in You!’


"This prayer, dear to so many of the devout, clearly expresses the attitude with which we too would like to abandon ourselves trustfully in Your hands, O Lord, our only Savior. You are burning with the desire to be loved and those in tune with the sentiments of Your Heart learn how to build the new civilization of love.”

~St. John Paul II


 Learn More about Divine Mercy



Will you adore and love the Sacred Heart of Jesus?  

Will you spread His love to others?




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