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Encourage families in your neighborhood to pray the Rosary together daily for a week in their home, thus, fulfilling the threefold request of Our Lady to the children at Fatima:


  • Return to God

  • Make reparation for sins

  • Pray the Rosary for peace. The hope is to build friendships in each neighborhood, evangelize nominal Catholics, and build a shield of protection around our families and town.



The idea is for a group of 8-10 families in a neighborhood to be circulating the statue continuously throughout the year. As time progresses, another statue may need to be added as you and your group invite new families to host the statue. The ultimate goal, is to evangelize in your neighborhood and involve more families in praying the Rosary together.   


1.     You and your family may want to host the statue for the first week.  

a.     Prepare a place of honor in your home for the statue.

b.     Register your contact info on the website:

c.      Follow the prayers on the sheet provided. 

2.      Bring the statue to a neighboring family for their week. 

a.     Register them (or have them register) on the website:

b.     Review the procedure and prayers with them. 

c.       Ask if they have someone in mind who might be interested in being the next host family. Have the current family bring the statue to the next family. Once the statue is delivered to a new family, call and thank them, review the procedures and answer any questions.  

d.     If the current host family cannot find a family to host the statue for a week, you should refer to your master list of names.    

3.     Consider planning a potluck dinner several times a year for families in your neighborhood to help foster a spirit of community and evangelization.    



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