"Pray the Rosary every day in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary, in order to obtain peace for the world" and "Sacrifice yourselves for sinners"
- Our Lady of Fatima
In the Details
The modern idiom, “The devil is in the detail,” meaning things are usually more complicated than they look, actually came from an earlier phrase, “God is in the detail.” This earlier variation reminded people that whatever one does should be done thoroughly, or, more succinctly, that details are important. How true this earlier version is for both God and man! Of course, God does everything thoroughly. The key for us is to look at the details of God’s workings. No detail is without meaning. In them we see God’s amazing love manifested for us.
While many know the main story of Our Lady of Fatima, especially the Miracle of the Sun, probably relatively few have truly reflected on the amazing details. Since we don’t have the space here to look at all the apparitions, we will look at a few details of Our Lady’s first apparition. They alone give us much to ponder.
First, is the date. Throughout salvation history God has continually used things such as dates, places, and numbers to bring to mind significant truths. Mary first appeared in Fatima on May 13th, which is the feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament. Previous to Mary’s apparitions, the Angel of Fatima had prepared the children through three appearances. The third time, when he came with a chalice and host, he taught them a prayer to make reparation for the outrages committed against the Body and Blood of Jesus and for the conversion of sinners. This same theme ran through Our Lady’s messages at Fatima, as well as the revelations Lucia received years later in the convent. Clearly the date of the first apparition underscores the importance of devotion and reparation to the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Next comes Mary’s first words, “Do not be afraid.” These are telling words. As she always perfectly reflects God, so these are truly God’s first and most important words to us. He wants us to be free of fear by drawing us into His love, especially in times of difficulties. The events of this apparition also demonstrate this truth.
Towards the end of the apparition Our Lady asked, “Will you offer yourselves to God, and bear all the sufferings He sends you in atonement for all the sins that offend Him and for the conversion of sinners?” Lucia enthusiastically replied that they would. To which Mary said, “Then you will have a great deal to suffer, but the grace of God will be with you and will strengthen you.”
Lucia explained that as she said those words Our Lady opened her hands and they were bathed in a heavenly light. They somehow knew this light was God. She said, “The light’s reality cut into our hearts and our souls … we could see ourselves embraced in it. By an interior impulse of grace, we fell to our knees, repeating in our hearts: ‘Oh, Holy Trinity, we adore You. My God, my God, I love You in the Blessed Sacrament.’”
God is in the details here. Our Lady asked the children if they were willing to bear suffering in atonement for sins and for conversion of sinners. However, God had already prepared them for this question through the angel’s appearances. This question and Mary’s subsequence prediction that they would “have a great deal to suffer” were sandwiched between promises and actions of love.
Mary’s invitation to trust was at the beginning of the apparition. Then she gave consolation when she promised the children would all go to Heaven. Finally, after foretelling their coming sufferings she immediately promised them the strength of God’s grace. Simultaneously, God penetrated their souls with His own light, thus ratifying Our Lady’s word, they need not be afraid.
Praise God that He truly is in the details. Whether it’s the details of public revelation, private revelation, or in our own lives; God’s love shines through, if we take the time to see it. As she did at Fatima, Our Blessed Mother is also always there, reflecting God’s light in those details to us.